Bridgeport Machine Rebuilders unknowingly has been "Going Green" for 30 strong years

In the mid 70's, Sonny Kelly, the Plant Manager at Harig Products, approached Klaus Harig, owner of Harig Products, about a growing concern with customers. The Harig customers didn't know what to do with their well-used and worn-out surface grinders. The thought of sending them to the salvage yard just didn't make sense and the surface grinders were too worn for precision grinding. Harig Products was a machine builder specializing in "new" surface grinders, revenue was strong, and there just wasn't a desire or need to start a rebuilding division. At the time Harig Products was building and selling approximately 125-200 surface grinders a month, so you can see why Mr Harig lacked interest. The conception of Bridgeport Machine Rebuilders started at this point, as Mr. Harig gave Sonny his blessing, if he had a desire to pursue this opportunity outside of Harig Products.

So after 30 years, Bridgeport Machine Rebuilders can proudly say that we have saved over 1,000 Bridgeport mills, over 1,200 surface grinders; including Harig, Boyar-Schultz, Mitsui, and Okamoto, to name just a few. Many of these machines were prematurely on the road to the salvage yard.

So let's all do our part. "Refurbish a Bridgeport Mill and Go Green"!